The fact H-Bomb signed it, then had the gall to whine that S-Purple exercised his ownership options is hilarious to me. The contract S-Purple made H-Bomb sign is a fucking joke. S-Purple is either a genius con-man, or H-Bomb is the biggest fucking sucker ever. Vanilly left, and and they basically had a shell of a team. People started to leave because the project was dead in the water. He should've had the game 'done' and started employing more people to get art and animations done, like vanilly. But there was no main quest, subquests were virtually non-existant.īasicaly, H-bomb did fuck all.
Then, they just didn't have a finished game. They continually added stuff like the Gender-Bent, or Futa, or fucking neoteny and shit which it just makes so much more art stuff.
The nature of the way the game is structured means there was exponential growth for animations needed. I followed breeding season mostly because of how awestruck I was with the cash flow they had.